St. Joseph Garden is a long-term care residential facility for the retired priests of the Society of Jesus, Taiwan. It had more than 10 residents from different countries at one time. Most of them have served priestly duties in Taiwan for decades, and they have chosen to remain here for the last stretch of their journey in life. This project is about the lived experiences of the priests —their longing, fear, and faith for the future unknown—as their bodies grow weaker and gradually lose their function. It is as if they are insisting on seeking a place of light before the candle is finally blown out.


“A Time to Scatter Stones” 來自於傳道書第三章:「凡事都有定期,天下萬務都有定時。 生有時,死有時。栽種有時,拔出所栽種的也有時。殺戮有時,醫治有時。拆毀有時,建造有時。哭有時,笑有時。哀慟有時,跳舞有時。 拋擲石頭有時,堆聚石頭有時。懷抱有時,不懷抱有時。」,意指世間萬物都有命定之時刻。


A Time to Scatter Stones


Dusk Inside the Military Dependents’ Housing